#Black November

North Carolina


Ballot Measures


Learn more about these ballot measures.


VOTE NO on Marsy’s Law Amendment

Known as Marsy’s Law by proponents, the measure adds language the constitution stating that victims as defined in the amendment “shall be accorded the utmost dignity and respect and shall be treated fairly by the criminal justice system.” It also prescribes specific rights to the victims, including to notice of any court proceedings; to request notice of arrests, release or escape of accused; not to be excluded from court proceedings; and to be heard at certain court proceedings.

VOTE NO on Income Tax Cap Amendment

The measure lowers the maximum allowable income tax rate from 10 percent to 7 percent. It could compromise funding to schools, roads, and public health, as well as raise the cost of borrowing, as the tax load shifts onto middle and low-income taxpayers.


VOTE NO on Voter ID Amendment

Requires voters to provide photo identification before voting in person.


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Paid for by Movement for Black Lives Action Fund, a project of Tides Advocacy,www.tidesadvocacy.org, 1014 Torney Ave., San Francisco, CA 94129, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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